Sunday, 21 September 2014

Olympics at Tvind and 1st Study Weekend

We had arrived at Tvind during a busy time - the Olympics! It's an annual event at Tvind where different schools around Denmark come to participate and compete in a variety of sports and games. Having arrived fairly late in the evening before the games commenced, I chilled out and had an early night after speaking with some fellow students.

Because so many people were attending (I think around 600 someone said), a canvas gazebo had been set up for everyone to eat in. I had not initially been aware of this and had proceeded to have breakfast in the common hall before someone informed me about the gazebo besides the large kitchen; I must've been half asleep still to not have noticed!

After eating and drinking some coffee, I was told I would be helping with food production so off I went to the large kitchen. Burgers was on the menu and so I helped Romas and Annelies cut up some tomatoes then, like a production line, we prepared the burgers. It was very reminiscent of when I once worked in McDonalds, except here it was pretty fun and wasn't stressful. No managers there being power hungry twats to boot. Our goal up until afternoon was to make around 1000 burgers.

After we had finished, I decided to have a wander around with Gaile and perhaps participate in something. Although I'm not into sports as I don't find competitiveness appealing at all, axe throwing seemed like fun so I opted to have a go. And another. Then another. Damn, guess I succumbed to the human nature of competing!

After a few attempts of trying to knock some logs over with axes (only getting a measly 5 points!), Dariush asked if I could take over writing names and points down, so I obliged. After about 30 minutes or so, someone else took over and I after visiting the OL committee, I was tasked with litter picking. Fortunately, I bumped into Annelies who kindly offered to help and we got it done fairly quick!

I had a little time left before going back to food production at 5pm, so I watched a few people wall climb, then it was back to work. Loads of pizzas had been ordered as well as Chinese food, and we had been tasked with serving them. As soon as we prepared everything and the food arrived, people quickly came flocking! The pizzas were gone in no time. I then helped the others serve up some Chinese food, tucking into some myself.

After dinner, the first day of the olympics was over and as it was also our (DNS 2015) first study weekend, we had a meeting. It was good to finally see the team together. Since working in Munster, some more people had enrolled and I was finally introduced to them: Two Mykolas's, Kristiana, Migle, Janne and Milan (whom we had already been introduced to via skype some weeks back). After getting properly introduced to one another, Michael told us what the plans were for the rest of the weekend and then for the rest of the evening, I just hung out with various different people.

The following day I was once again tasked with helping out with food production and burgers was still on the menu, so 'twas a day of preparing another thousand or so them. At least I got to have first dibs on the burgers! I was going to take part in the marathon in the afternoon, but due to heavy rainfall, it got cancelled and so the day was cut slightly short than planned. 

Spirits were still high though as the closing ceremony commenced in the sports hall. Some music was being played and there were also good dance performances just before the headmaster announced the results. Tvind didn't do too well if I remmber correctly, but no mood was dampered as everyone seemed to really enjoy the couple of days. I missed out on a lot of it, but from the photos and a video I have seen, the atmosphere was really good! It's good that Tvind is accepting enough to host many "troubled" children there and let them participate in whatever they desire. I'd wager not many places would be so daring! 

So olympics was now over leaving us to get on with our study weekend. Michael went more in depth about our team economy and showed us how to fill out out our economy sheets. We also discussed issues we had in Munster and then we were told what jobs we would be doing. I would be going to work in a school in Nordjylland which was exciting to hear! This sounded much more up my street. 

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