Tuesday 20 May 2014

Money is More Valuable Than Time?

With regards to what I named this travel blog of mine, it's basically me summing up the gist of my first post. But spending time alone travelling to different parts of India, I'm reluctant to say that maybe I am wrong to state such a thing. We are very dependent on money; without some we cannot eat, drink nor sleep in a comfortable sheltered bed. Everything else is just wants and luxuries - advertised to tempt people to spend, spend, spend or be bored and unfulfilled. It's very sad to see many people here in India without having the aforementioned necessities because they do not have a rupee on them. Therefore, currency is much more important to them than time is, for they require the necessary evil to live. We all do. It's naive and idyllic of me to say the contrary - time is more valuable. Sure, I do agree with the sentiments of which I meant by it, but realistically, let's face it, it's not true.

Perhaps if people of the world united to devalue currency and we came to abolish the monetary system, it would then perhaps be a true statement. But who is going to get the ball rolling? It would be an anarchic world, sure, but maybe it would be a better one? Governments only have power over us because they have power over how we spend our money. Without money, they would have no control over us.

Also homelessness, poverty, debts and classes only exist because of money, inadvertently causing misery, depression, frustration, anger and any other negativities which are usually directed at the wrong people; currently "benefit scroungers" and "foreigners" are commonly used as scapegoat for peoples anger when it should be directed at the government and wealthy. Such people are the reasons why an idyllic true anarchic world can not exist. I often hear that it would be a survival of the fittest and the powerful ones will exert control, but they already have - they're the "same twats but with a different colour tie".

Now, unfortunately, I'm not intelligent enough to come up with a viable solution to these problems though, and this depresses me. We're all aware that the problems money and governments (same thing) has caused exists, yet callously most of us shrug our shoulders and carry on with our selfish, fortunate lives. Why inconvenience ourselves with a complete overhaul with how we all live our lives that we've come so accustomed too? So dependent on; routine, familiarity, convenience and, more importantly, earning money is what most prefer their daily lives to consist of. Time is money and money is time as people tend to say. How sad.

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